Thursday, March 25, 2010

Response to questions and Poverty

The World bank is an organization that loans/gives money to charities and organizations for good causes. It is important to get information from many countries so that the data is universalized. Poverty is a very extreme, devastating and serious factor that is adding to the constantly increasing death rate in the world. The difference between poverty and extremem poverty is that with poverty, you may only have 1 or 2 meals a day, where as sometimes in extreme poverty you have to choose wether to clench your child's hunger, or your own. A poverty trap is when you can't get out of poverty easily because you don't have an education or any qualifications for a job. The world bank defines poverty as a person that earns under $1.25 a day 1.4 billion people live under the poverty line in the world. In this video, I discovered that 850 billion people go to sleep hungry every night. Worse than this, 22,000 people die EVERY day from extreme poverty. The numbers have improved, in 1981 there were 4 in every 10 people living in extreme poverty, now there are fewer than 1 in 4. There are organizations online such as unicef, world bank etc that are give and get loans for helping build houses and get clean water and donate a lot of money for the countries in trouble. I have seen poverty many times, around the streets, shops and every time I see it, it makes me feel bad, especially after I have been shopping. Seeing these people, in need and desperate for food and money, begging for money from strangers because it is their only chance. Sometimes I imagine myself in their situation and it's awful to think like that because I can't imagine sleeping on the streets, having people walking past with shopping bags, food, expensive items and wish that it was my life. I feel awful, and I want to do as much as I can for the people I see, but I feel powerless.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Intro to Global issues.

"Give to every human being every right that you claim for yourself." ~Robert Ingersoll

I chose this quote because I think that equality is the most simple, yet diverse and important right that we need in our lives. This quote to me, shows equality because it is talking about how we should give everyone the rights that we think we deserve. I like this quote also, because it reminds me of what my mum always told me, and that was to 'treat everyone the way you want to be treated'. I truly believe in this quote, and I think it is very important because no one deserves to be treated differently because of race, difference in salary, religion or any of that. People are the unique and diverse and in

stead of people pushing that away, we should embrace it.

I chose a picture of many different hands holding up the globe.There are different coloured hands, some dark and some light. To me this shows equality, because no matter what colour you are or where you are from, you are part of this world, we have to accept it no matter what. Even though I accept it and embrace it, there are people out there that don’t and I just want them to know…

We are all equal, there is no one less or more superior.