Sunday, March 21, 2010

Intro to Global issues.

"Give to every human being every right that you claim for yourself." ~Robert Ingersoll

I chose this quote because I think that equality is the most simple, yet diverse and important right that we need in our lives. This quote to me, shows equality because it is talking about how we should give everyone the rights that we think we deserve. I like this quote also, because it reminds me of what my mum always told me, and that was to 'treat everyone the way you want to be treated'. I truly believe in this quote, and I think it is very important because no one deserves to be treated differently because of race, difference in salary, religion or any of that. People are the unique and diverse and in

stead of people pushing that away, we should embrace it.

I chose a picture of many different hands holding up the globe.There are different coloured hands, some dark and some light. To me this shows equality, because no matter what colour you are or where you are from, you are part of this world, we have to accept it no matter what. Even though I accept it and embrace it, there are people out there that don’t and I just want them to know…

We are all equal, there is no one less or more superior.

1 comment:

  1. Very well articulated thank you for sharing your love with the world keep it up!
