Monday, May 17, 2010

State of Haiti's children.

Children in Haiti's rights are not respected of the Childs rights due to the conditions they suffer in. The major problems are mortality rate, health care, survival, education and exploitation. Only 1 of every 14 kids will survive until they are one. In 2006 Haiti voted Rene Preval their new president in hope of change. Preval enforced the Political Agenda for Children to attain social reform, improve heath, increase their education, decrease aids and protect children from rape, abuse and exploitation. Haiti struggles to achieve Millennium development goals in the areas of child survival, immunization and primary education. This adds to low child survival rate. Clean water and sanitation is a problem because a lot of children have to find water, and then they have to boil it, with only 3% of forest left in Haiti to find wood. In desperation parents send their kids to be restaveks and are promised a good life, but often are exposed to exploitation, trafficking, rape and abuse. Some orphans in Haiti are forced into street gangs but some find it access to free food and shelter. In gangs, kids are forced into crimes, raped or abused as revenge from the other gangs, or as punishment for refusal of chores. Children in Haiti are being neglected of their rights because of the situation in Haiti.

In this Article you can see that in Haiti, after the earthquake they are suffering even harder. as you can see from this image, the aids required in Haiti are huge, and food is one of the biggest problems. Getting safe water has also become an even bigger struggle since the water supply that before the earthquake supplied 40% of Haiti with water, has completely collapsed. Even though Aid agencies are shipping in intense amounts of bottle water and water purifying tablets, there is a lot of people not getting much, or any at all. There are other problems with health and medical supplies affecting many people since there are so many injuries after the disaster. A lot of people are having amputations but with lack of facilities are not able to go to rehabilitation and the doctors are worried that these people will languish or even die without the proper help they need. Since the earthquake hit so many villages, there is now 692,000 people living in makeshift shelters within 591 camps all over haiti. People are trying their best to take people to different locations and get more tents, but there is difficulties because they have to find food and clean water before they can move. The rights that are being denied to these people are huge, and although Aid agencies are doing all the can for the Haitian people, there is still so many things that are going wrong, and there are so many people suffering.

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