Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Top 10 most influential people

In the times 2010 top 100 most influential people, I have chosen the top ten to be:
#1 Barak Obama.
Obama is not only the President of the United States, a job that holds a lot of power and requires a lot of hard work, but he is also the first black President in the United states and he is proving America that coloured peoples can do it to! He had a rocky first year, battling two wars, but he also "became the first Democratic President in 40 years to enact a historic piece of social welfare legislation — an achievement that bolsters his presidency as he braces for the coming fight over financial re-regulation." He i a leader to the people and to the good of the U.S and he is using his presidency for the right things like healthcare development.

#2 Oprah Winfrey.
I chose Oprah because she has made a career for herself out of nothing. She had a hard up-brining and was very poor, but she made a living for herself and became one of the richest Women in America. How ever I didn't only choose her for her money, I also chose her for the fact that she created her own show and she uses it for all the right reasons. She helps so many people in America, and uses her show to create awareness for people and she raises and sends money to so many organizations.

#3 Sheik Khalifa.
I chose Sheik Khalifa because he is the President of the U.A.E and recently bailed Dubai out of debt using $10 million of his own countries money yet he remains one of the richest men in the world. I think this is a good asset because with money comes power. He used his money to pretty much save the world from debt, and keep some of it for himself. He is said to have about $19 billion and he has been using it for all the right things and is a very influential person. By using his money to bail Dubai out of debt, he saved the whole worlds stock market and money flow.

#4 Marissa Mayer
I chose Marissa Mayer because she is basically universalizing all data entered in google by trying to translate every search queries into every language so that they are searched through every page on the internet. She is influential because google is the worlds biggest search engine and she is helping that along. With over 200 million google searches per week, Marrisa Mayer and her work will have a lot of influence on the people that search on google.

#5 Michelle Obama.
I have chosen Michelle Obama because I think that she is a very powerful woman and she has used per husbands presidency to write her own book and promote excersize for secondary kids with a "let's move" campaign. She has a lot of influence on the people through her book and she gets people to respond to her.

#6 Gisele Bundchen
Gisele is a very famous model often on the front of the biggest fashion magazines. She is, unlike many celebrities out there, using her fame to promote awareness and has become a UNICEF speaker. She has a very successful brand 'ipanima' and she is endorcing aid programs and her 28 million dollar fortune is not being wasted, but being put towards charities and her aid programs.

#7 Douglas Schwartzentruber and Larry Kwak
These men are Both doctor’s and they have both been fighting cancer. They both want and are trying to cure cancer, and find a vaccine for it. Cancer is a very serious and common disease killing hundreds of people every year.They have been working separately but have the same common goal and ideas in the same field.

#9 Mark Zuckererberg
He is an influential person because he co-founded facebook while studying in Harvard at a young age. He is now a billionaire, and has created a site that millions of people use world wide to stay in touch and communicate from where ever they are in the world. He is only 20 years old, and he has created one of the most popular websites in the world.

#10 Manmohan Singh
Literacy, poverty, and environmental destruction are all problems in India. The Prime minister Manmohan Singh, is trying to help these along though. With him trying to overcome these obstacles, India has been improving with it's economy. He is building relations with Israel and has helped them to reform. India seems to be improving in the capable care of Singh.

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